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Young dart players take aim at Nationals [Video]

Quebec News

Konnor Labach. (Nigel Maxwell/paNOW Staff)

Konnor Labach, 11, has been playing for seven years and has already been to Nationals twice.

“My dad used to play with his friends and I just saw that and he just got me right into it,” he said.

While Labach acknowledged he would like to win a medal, he added he also just has a good time playing and enjoys making new friends.

“I don’t think I can quite win, but I think I can do pretty good there.”

Declyn Keays, 19, only started playing October and is equally excited about representing her community and the province at Nationals.

“Darts wasn’t even on my things to do at all this year, but I’m really excited, and it’s a great opportunity to go see the world,” she said.

Similar ro the others, Keays also comes from a family of passionate darts players and acknowledged they are all very competitive with …

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