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Yukon-based clinical social worker temporarily stripped of registration for supporting conspiracy theories [Video]

British Columbia News

A Yukon-based clinical social worker has had her professional registration stripped — at least temporarily — for supporting conspiracy theories, but that’s not stopping her from offering services.

The British Columbia College of Social Workers says Debbra Greig’s views could be detrimental to her clients and there is a real risk of harm. 

Greig believes in cult leader Romana Didulo, the self-professed “Queen of Canada” known for her QAnon beliefs. 

Since the Yukon has no government regulations or oversight for social workers, Greig sought registration with the B.C. college in 2007. Similar registration is mandatory in order to practise in the majority of the country.

Greig was registered as a clinical social worker, the highest level of clinical designation that also allowed her to make mental health diagnoses. Having a registered classification is also a requirement for some contracts with various governments and Indigenous Services Canada.

The B.C. college is now investigating Greig’s work after a complaint her behaviour was “extremely concerning.” Meanwhile, the college has taken …

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