Alberta News

YWCA highlights 5 southern Alberta women of distinction – Lethbridge [Video]

Ahead of International Women’s Day next month, the YWCA is honouring some of the women who create a better world for everyone.

This year, Lethbridge’s recipients include a cardiologist, lifetime activist and high school student, among others.

Anna Campmans, the youngest recipient, may still be in Grade 12, but she’s already making a huge impression in her community.

Her mom, Michelle, is at a loss for words.

Campmans was nominated by one of her heroes, Mallory Kristjanson, a family school liaison officer at Catholic Central High School.

“The first day that I met Anna Campmans, I knew that this was a young woman of distinction, a woman of promise. From the very first day that she walked into the school at Catholic Central High School, she lit up the hallways with not only her love and her compassion for others, but her vibrancy to give kindness to others,” said Kirstjanson.

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Michelle Campmans says when …

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