THUNDER BAY, ON — China’s ambitious strides in the gold market are reshaping its role on the global stage, as it emerges as the world’s largest gold producer and buyer. This dual dominance is not just about enhancing its treasury but is a calculated move to bolster its economic influence worldwide.

During his stop at the Ontario Prospector’s Showcase in Thunder Bay Ontario Minister of Mines explained the risks for the west if China is able to reach their goal.

A Leader in Gold Production

For more than a decade, China has maintained its status as the top gold producer globally. “China’s extensive investment in mining technology has not only increased production efficiencies but also allowed it to lead global gold output,” explains Dr. Helen Zhao, a mining economist. This sustained effort supports China’s strategic economic interests by ensuring a steady supply of gold.

China’s Buying Power

Simultaneously, China has ramped up its gold reserves, outpacing other nations in both the …