Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
The mainstream media should love Doug Ford, now that he’s subsidizing them: Peter Menzies in the Hub

Climate protest disrupts Munich airport [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

Berlin, Germany –

Six climate activists broke through a security fence at Munich airport on Saturday and glued themselves to access routes leading to runways, temporarily shutting down flights.

The activists from the group Last Generation were protesting flying as the most polluting form of transportation, said the German news agency dpa. Police detained the six.

Some 60 flights were canceled during the disruption that lasted a couple of hours and passengers were rebooked on alternative flights, airport spokesperson Robert Wilhelm told dpa. Fourteen flights that were due to land in Munich were diverted to other airports, according to police.

Last Generation accused the German government of “downplaying” the negative effects of flying on the environment instead of “finally acting sincerely,” in a post on the social media platform X.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser called for an end to such protests. “Such criminal actions threaten air traffic and harm climate protection because …

Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Hey feds, stick to your own lane and butt out of provincial matters: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post