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Conference brings awareness to MMIP crisis [Video]

First Nations News

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KEVN) – Attendees from all over the country were in Rapid City to attend the Murdered and Missing Awareness Prevention Preparedness and Healing conference Wednesday, with the goal of discussing the MMIP crisis and raising awareness.

People in attendance represented tribes such as the Oglala Lakota and Navajo.

The event serves as a way for individuals to heal from Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons related incidents and give them an opportunity to learn about the tools available.

“One good thing that we’re going to learn about are the resources that are out there for MMIP folks. Places and resources that people can reach out who have family members that are missing,” said Elaine Yellow Horse.

The event also provides people ways to prevent and prepare for MMIP incidents that occur to either their family members or friends.

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