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Inotsiavik begins programming after Arctic Inspiration grand prize [Video]

North West Territories News

Months after winning $1 million from the Arctic Inspiration Prize, a group of young people in Hopedale, N.L., have incorporated their organization and found a place to offer programming, give crafting lessons and start Inuttut language lessons. 

Inotsiavik Language and Culture Inc. is up and running, and now the group has acquired a house in the community. They’re working to decorate it with an office and workshop before holding a grand opening for the community. 

“It’s been amazing,” said Kimberly Pilgrim, Inotsiavik’s director of administration. “Even a year ago, we didn’t know that this is what we were going to be doing now.”

Inotsiavik has acquired a home in Hopedale to offer programming and run an office out of. (Inotsiavik/Facebook )

They hope to have weekly sewing circles, as well as Inuktitut lessons both in-person and online. Vanessa and Nicholas Flowers are planning to hold drop-in language lessons biweekly by …

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