Aled Ab Iorweth ties Canada’s housing crisis to a tradition of delegating housing to municipalities
Aled Ab Iorweth ties Canada’s housing crisis to a tradition of delegating housing to municipalities
Coleman Hughes and Abigail Shrier on Identity, Speech, and Policy: Voices that inspire

Mikes Blog Round-Up | Crooks and Liars [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

Above, Phoneboy performs, What A Coward. Why yes, we are talking about Jeff Bezos spiking the WaPo endorsement of Kamala Harris.

Ramona Grigg: In Praise of Bloggers on the Democracy Battlefront.

Cathie from Canada: Pre-emptive surrender from the gutless Washington Post and LA Times.

eVille Times finds someone at the WaPo with some courage and integrity: the humor writer.

Tell Me A Story tells us about abandoning Amazon-Dot-Com.

Bonus Track: Shower Cap’s Blog endorses Kamala Harris! (Phew!)

Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Fediverse. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to [email protected] (with For MBRU in the subject line).

Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Ryan Khurana explains how AI differs from human intelligence and struggles with basic human tasks
Karen Restoule on the challenges of Indigenous economic development in Canada: MLI in Parliament