Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
The mainstream media should love Doug Ford, now that he’s subsidizing them: Peter Menzies in the Hub

MPI to open temporary hail estimate centre next week [Video]

Manitoba News

If your vehicle was damaged by last week’s hail storm, Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) is trying to reduce the amount of time you’ll spend waiting for a damage estimate.

The Crown corporation is opening a dedicated hail estimating centre.

MPI said it’s received more than 1,150 claims over the last week in response to the severe spring weather.

That’s in addition to 15,000 claims made last year, most of which followed a late August storm in Winnipeg.

The new temporary centre will open at MPI’s Physical Damage Centre at 1981 Plessis Road in Winnipeg.

Starting Wednesday, customers who have opened a hail claim, but haven’t yet had an estimating appointment scheduled, will be contacted directly by MPI to book an appointment via email or text message.

MPI is prioritizing those who’ve been waiting the longest.

“Last year, we experienced one of the most significant hail claim seasons in our Corporation’s history,” said Satvir Jatana, president & CEO of MPI. …

Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Wake up, Canada. The world is a dangerous place.
Hey feds, stick to your own lane and butt out of provincial matters: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post