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My mom once did everything for me. Moving out at age 30, I’m learning to fend for myself [Video]

Saskatchewan News

This First Person column is written by Dylan Earis, a graduate of the University of Regina’s school of journalism. For more information about First Person stories, see the FAQ.

I recently moved out of my parents’ house. I am 30 years old.

I know plenty of adults move away from their parents. But the story of how I came to live independently is different, because I’m different.

I have cerebral palsy.

The disability affects everything I do. My left hand does not work. I can barely clench it into a fist. I walk with a cane and a pronounced limp.  When I walk, I have real trouble changing direction. My vision is bad. The only thing I can see out of my left eye is colours.

Everything I do takes time and patience.

Throughout my life, my parents, especially my mom, did everything for me. I never had to cook and rarely had to clean. It …

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