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N.S. news: Grand Parade encampment empty [Video]

Nova Scotia News

For the first time since last summer, Grand Parade in Halifax is tent-free.

The final one was removed Wednesday, although the grass areas are fenced off and remain off-limits until remediation is finished. The space is scheduled to reopen in early summer.

“We are certainly happy to see the city’s timeline,” says Issmat Al-Akhali, the founder of the Friends of Downtown Halifax, a group advocating on issues that affect downtown Halifax.

Victoria Park is also closed except for its pathways. Remediation of this site is expected to take several months, starting with soil testing to identify contaminants. Like Grand Parade, a reopening is scheduled for early summer.

“Which would mean that the season would be accessible to events and people who are trying to enjoy these spaces for their intended use,” Al-Akhali says.

Halifax is now left with four designated encampment sites, one of which is across the street from …

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