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Okanagan residents asked to turn attention to emergency preparedness – Okanagan [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

Okanagan residents are being asked to turn their attention to their emergency preparedness plans this week, with the season for hazards like wildfire and extreme weather just around the corner.

“It can be as simple as making an emergency kit with items found around your home, creating a family emergency plan or becoming more informed about the hazards in your area,” said deputy fire chief Sandra Follack, with the Regional Emergency Program, at the start of Emergency Preparedness Week, which runs from May 5 to 11.

“Residents and businesses can access some great online resources through, including building your own household emergency kit and how to make a plan.”

The Regional Emergency Program Ask an Expert video series, which focuses on topics related to post-wildfire hazards, emergency preparedness and FireSmart activities, will start the week with important information for communities in the Central Okanagan to help take action and be ready for anything.

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