Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific Construct / Stephen Nagy and Jonathan Berkshire Miller
Impact of EU elections on global politics and Japan’s foreign policy: Stephen Nagy in the Japan Times

Putin says Islamic extremists raided concert hall but attack masterminds are yet to be found [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that the gunmen who killed 139 people at a suburban Moscow concert hall are “radical Islamists,” but he repeated his accusation that Ukraine could have played a role despite Kyiv’s strong denials.

Two days after the Islamic State’s Afghanistan affiliate claimed responsibility for Friday night’s attack at the music venue, Putin acknowledged during a meeting with government officials that the killings were carried out by extremists “whose ideology the Islamic world has been fighting for centuries.”

Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Who’s bankrolling anti-Israel demonstrations (excerpt): Casey Babb on Sky News Australia