How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
How a trans activist group undermined medical science / Aaron Wudrick and Mia Hughes
Recognition of Palestinian state about politics, not law: Jack Mintz in the Financial Post

Quebec Liberals promise to be more vigilant after motion [Video]

Quebec News

The Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) is promising that it will be more ‘vigilant’ in future and will carry out more “checks” before voting in favour of CAQ government’s motions.

Last Thursday, the Quebec legislature unanimously adopted a motion by Minister for the Status of Women Martine Biron denouncing the Supreme Court of Canada’s words to refer to women.

The decision in question, R. v. Kruk, handed down on March 8, contains the expression “person with a vagina.”

The motion asked that the national assembly “reiterate the importance of retaining the word ‘woman’ and dissociate itself from the use of terms or concepts that contribute to the invisibilisation of women.”

It also noted “the significant gains made in recent decades to advance women’s rights and the need to protect these acquired rights.”

The text was presented jointly with Liberal MNA and former prosecutor André A. Morin, Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre …

Corporatists vs. Capitalists: Aaron Wudrick / MLI in Parliament
Corporatists vs. Capitalists: Aaron Wudrick / MLI in Parliament
Security Implications from Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine: Roundtable Discussion