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SUMA conference concludes with bear pit session [Video]

Saskatchewan News

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) conference wrapped up on Wednesday with educational sessions in the morning, followed by a bear pit session for delegates to speak directly with the provincial government.

The hour and a half long bear pit session allowed SUMA delegates an opportunity to speak directly with the provincial delegates on the final day of the conference.

“It’s so good to see provincial government here and answering the questions to some of the decisions they might’ve have made but also to understand what the needs are in our communities so we’re very pleased with the last four days,” Randy Goulden, SUMA president said.

According to Goulden, the top three issues she heard about this week include infrastructure funding, mental health and addictions, as well as community safety.

“They’re very very pleased with the discussions that they’ve had, the engagement they’ve had with SUMA, with our board of …

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