MLI Webinar: Exploring Innovation in Canadian Health Care
MLI Webinar: Exploring Innovation in Canadian Health Care
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Train safety initiative by LaSalle police and Essex Terminal Railway [Video]

Ontario News

The LaSalle Police Service , LaSalle Fire Service, and the Essex Terminal Railway / Morterm are teaming up to promote train safety.

The ETR tracks run through LaSalle from Highway 18 to Malden Road. The tracks and the property adjacent to the tracks are private property, owned by the ETR and posted as no trespassing.

Using the tracks as throughways for pedestrian, ATV, or snowmobile traffic or ignoring crossing signals while driving your automobile is not only illegal but also dangerous. Trains cannot stop even when it is apparent that a collision may be imminent.

Vehicles travelling along the ETR tracks disturb the aggregate under and around the wooden ties that hold the tracks in place which could result in a derailment or disaster.

On May 18, 2022, Senior Const. Bonnie Racine, Firefighter Chad Thibert, and Sgt. Mike Agostinis worked with members of the ETR to bring their message forward. …

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