Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Double Trouble: Goodbye globalization? Balkan Devlen with Elisabeth Braw
Memo to Canada – Talk less and listen more to the rest of the world: David Mulroney and Obianuju Ekeocha in the National Post

Vancouver news: Police warning about murderer and sex offender [Video]

British Columbia News

Police have issued a public warning about a high-risk sex offender and convicted murderer who is moving into Vancouver.

Scott Mackay poses a “significant risk” to women in the community, including sex workers, the Vancouver Police Department said in a news release Thursday.

The 61-year-old is currently on day parole while serving a life sentence for second-degree murder, sexual assault and forcible confinement.

Authorities said Mackay must abide by a number of conditions while living in the community, including that he stay away from alcohol, drugs and pornography.

He’s also required to report “all contacts with females” to his parole supervisor, and can’t be in the presence of sex workers, police said.

Mackay will be under a 10 p.m. curfew, and cannot own or operate a vehicle, except in emergency situations for which he has received approval.

He is described as 5’10” tall with a slim build, short grey hair …

Government transparency suffers under broken Access-to-Information system / MLI in Parliament
Government transparency suffers under broken Access-to-Information system / MLI in Parliament
Resources are still our golden goose. We need to protect them: Philip Cross and Jack Mintz in the Financial Post