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Musical explores CODA family relationship [Video]

Alberta News

The child of a deaf adult is referred to as a CODA and a Calgary musical called ‘Songs My Mother Never Sung Me’ is offering a glimpse into playwright and composer Dave Clarke’s experience growing up in a hearing world with deaf parents.

 Erik Mortimer, who plays piano throughout the play onstage, is in his second run of the show as its musical director.

“So in Dave’s case, he’s a hearing child and both of his parents are deaf and what that experience is like growing up,” he said. “The play goes through early life (of the child) and then into adulthood, following Dave’s life and it’s a perspective that’s not usually told in a play.”

Elizabeth Morris is a deaf actor who plays the boy’s mother and uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate. Morris says the play is geared towards children and families.

“This play is a really …

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